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6 Tips for Dog Bad Breath in Lansing, MI

6 Tips for Dog Bad Breath in Lansing, MI

Does your dog have notoriously bad breath? Do you find yourself wondering what you can do to improve his breath problem? Have you sometimes felt as though you might never be able to freshen your furry friend’s breath?

If any of this sounds like you, then you are in the right place. In this article, you’ll find six tips to give you some ideas of how to handle bad breath in your dog. Read on to find out more!

1. Brush Your Dog’s Teeth Often

Many times, bad breath in dogs is simply caused by a lack of dental care. Although you don’t need to brush your dog’s teeth daily, a few times a month can help cut down on his bad breath and improve his overall health at the same time.

Although some dogs don’t mind having their teeth brushed, others may be afraid or aggressive. If you have trouble brushing your dog’s teeth, speak to your vet for some suggestions about how best to encourage your pet and provide positive reinforcement while brushing his teeth.

2. Give Your Dog Dental Treats

Many companies make dog treats designed for dental health. These treats are usually tough to chew up, which helps clean dogs’ teeth. Additionally, they usually contain freshening components such as herbs, mint, and other pet-safe ingredients that can improve your dog’s breath right away. The team at Pennsylvania Veterinary Care recommends OraVet chews.

These treats can help along with other treatments for bad breath, but they cannot treat the underlying cause of bad breath in your dog. You should use them as a supplement but should not rely on them as the only option for taking care of this problem for your dog. Be sure to choose dental treats in the right size for your pet.

3. Have Your Dog’s Teeth Cleaned in Lansing, MI

If your dog has never had a teeth cleaning at the veterinarian, or if it has been many years since his last one, this can help significantly with his bad breath. Your vet will be able to thoroughly clean your dog’s teeth and remove all the plaque that has built up there. To do this, the vet will likely use anesthesia on your dog, so it may not be an ideal solution for older dogs or those with heart problems.

Teeth cleanings can help your dog’s dental health as well as his heart health, so keeping up with them is important for the wellbeing of your pet.

4. Check for Underlying Health Conditions

Sometimes, bad breath can be associated with health problems and illnesses. For example, if your dog’s breath smells sickeningly sweet, this can be a sign of diabetes, kidney disease, or liver disease. If you think something like this may be causing your dog’s bad breath, take him to the vet right away for a complete checkup.

Your vet will likely do bloodwork as well as other tests to determine what’s causing the bad breath in your pet. This will show whether a serious health condition may be affecting your dog.

5. Prevent Your Dog from Eating Trash

This piece of advice may be easier said than done! Dogs who eat a lot of trash—or eat the feces of other dogs or cats—may have bad breath all the time. If possible, work to prevent your dog from eating garbage and feces, as this is not good for him and will only make his breath smell worse.

It is important to work on training your dog so that he will not be as likely to get into garbage or litter boxes, whether at home or on a walk. If you need more assistance with your pet’s behavior, speak to your vet for help.

6. Change Dogs’ Chew Toys Periodically

Sometimes, your dog may be attached to an old chew toy that he has been using for a long time. It may be gnawed to pieces or even unrecognizable from its original form. Even though your dog loves this toy, it may be time to change it for a fresh one.

The more often your dog chews on an old, used chew toy, the more likely he will be to develop bad breath from exposure to the bacteria present on the toy. Additionally, it may be dangerous for him to chew if it is damaged.

Vets Can Help with Bad Dog Breath in Lansing, MI

Now that you have some ideas to get you started, you should be ready to tackle the bad breath issue in your dog. Remember that you should always have your pet checked for health problems that could be contributing to his bad breath, especially if he is older or has other factors that might make him more prone to illness. Call (517) 393-8010 and talk to your vet at Pennsylvania Veterinary Care. They will be able to give you more information and guidance regardless of the cause of your dog’s bad breath.

The post 6 Tips for Dog Bad Breath in Lansing, MI appeared first on Pennsylvania Veterinary Care.

Pennsylvania Veterinary Care


5438 South Pennsylvania Avenue,
Lansing, MI 48911